Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the beginning

today is the beginning of what i dreamt to be a sharing of not so common common knowledge. i have always wanted to share my passion of living simple, living well and lovin' life with others and here we go.

just to let you know who we are and what we are doing, we'll start with a bit about us. we are a veggie couple with a blessed little veggie baby livin' at the beach, gardening, surfing, leavin' no print, but trying to make an impression. our quest of living WITHout started 10 years ago and it is only getting better and bigger. upon the birth of our daughter we were really hit with what it means to live greener. no paper diapers, no formula and none of that commercial junk that the rest of society believes you need to raise a child. just some cloth diapers, a sling, a mama and papa and a warm home is all we need to not keep up with the jones's.

with that said, we hope to share all that we have learned over the years with those who find yourselves here. we have learned a lot from our journies, our families, our friends and those unknown strangers who passed on a valuable tidbit along the way.

so, enjoy, ask questions and keep an eye on us. who knows what we'll be up to next.

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