Tuesday, December 9, 2008

beware of the avocado monster

sounds scary, doesn't it? you may picture a big green hairy creature with guacamole dripping from its month and massive paws covered in green goo....or you could picture a 20 month old covered in avocado pudding and smiling ear to ear. yup, the second image is right on.

we cannot resist avocados in our household. we chow down on that creamy green fruit daily and have found ways to make it sweet, savory, spicy and even in our smoothies. it is all good in our book. as for our munchkin, she devours an avocado almost daily. since before she was a year old she noshed on that irresistible green goodness and we must gloat that she would beg for an avocado before touching what most toddlers consume daily.

today's avocado consumption began with one our favorite concoctions that we call 'pudding'. our raw banacado pudding is way better than any dairy based pudding out there. i'd say that it reigns in the pudding hall of fame. ahhh, it is so scrumptdiliumptious. you want the recipe? ok, just be careful, it may be habit forming and healthy. so, here goes....

2 nice and ripe avocados
1/2 banana
2 tbsp. agave or raw honey
2 tbsp. carob powder

blend all ingredients in food processor until super smooth, like pudding. serve with a myriad of toppings...chia seeds, ground flax seeds, coconut flakes, banana slices, blueberries, strawberries, wheat germ and on and on. this also makes a great 'pie' filling.

well folks, there you have it. don't say that we didn't warn you. just let us say that the picture is only a warning of may happen when this is consumed. smiles, messy lunchtime chaos and happy raw kids are just a few of the side effects of chowing down on bowls of this stuff. oh, make sure that you get some to. enjoy!

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