Sunday, April 3, 2011

it's like riding a bike

phew. time really flies by when you are hibernating. winter is over, spring has sprung and we are out and about as usual, but feeling a bit more alive these days. just because it has been a bit gray, does not mean that the fam has been too inactive. i figured today would be a good day to start anew and get the fam connected and updated. you know, when spring comes, we get up and start all over again, just like riding a bike.

we have been on the move and getting ready for another beautiful growing season. you know, growing kiddos, growing veggies, growing our own abundance of love and life, and sharing it all. the kiddos are really growing beautifully. they flourish even in the darkest days of winter, just add some sunlight and fresh air and viola, they are livelier than ever. we are embarking on new adventures daily and finding that sticking with our intuition will not let us down. our choice to unschool has become a reality with our weekly trips to 'a nest in nature' at harmony woods farm. this has been the best thing for us as a family over the long winter days. it is a regrowth for us and a welcomed addition to our family choices. the girls are just lov aing it and they simply adore the most beautiful woman that hosts it, as do i. we are excited about keepin' the little phytokiddos in our arms and home to learn what is around them. isn't that we do anyway?

since we have headed down that path, IT all seems to follow. IT, can be whatever you like. whatever makes us happy and healthy and yes, it does come when you head in the right direction. things come to us for a purpose and when you are comfortable in your new role, IT is all good. we are so happy that we have what we have and not unhappy about what we don't have. there is so much to come and i am so happy to share it here. keep checkin' in for some great adventures, recipes, inspiration and light.

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